Vibrational Match Feeding Off Each Other

There's a really easy way to tell if you're a vibrational match with someone.

You each sing the tone of your fundamental soul essence. If the tones harmonize, you're a match! If the tones clash, you're not a match and you need to run away from that person as fast as possible.

I'm kidding, of course.

Or am I?

The way to tell if you're a vibrational match with someone isn't quite as simple as singing a tone, but once you know how to spot the signs of compatibility, it's about as easy.

I've been paying attention to my vibrational match with folks for a while now.

In that time, I've come up with some ways to tell if I'm a vibrational match to the peeps I'm with.

Here are some factors that point to Not A Match:

1. I feel judged when I'm around them.

2. I get judgy about them.

3. I feel like I need to fix them, and …

4. When I try to help them, nothing seems to change.

5. They don't seem very interested in me and my life.

6. When I'm with them, I feel guilty about things that aren't my fault.

7. When I'm with them, I feel generally yucky and I don't know why.

8. I leave the interaction and feel slimed/horrible/depressed.

Whoo hoooo!

Now, some of the things on the list above might have absolutely nothing to do with the person I'm with. That's the importance of knowing your own vibration first, and then paying attention to how it's affected by others.

Bottom line, we're all responsible for our own vibration. The more I do all the groovy things that keep me in a groovy vibe state, the better I'm going to feel when I'm around anyone.

That said, when I'm feelin' groovy, and then I hang with someone and all the points on the list above start getting checked off, it's worth paying attention to.

Little kids are great teachers of this point. If a little kid doesn't like someone, they just walk away.

"Jimmy, go say 'Hi' to your Uncle Clem."


Jimmy knows what's up. It's okay to protect your vibe. It's okay to want to be around peeps who inspire and uplift you.

Speaking of which, here's a list of factors that point to peeps who are a Vibrational Match:

1. You feel safe around them.

2. You can express your thoughts and feelings freely.

3. You feel inspired in their presence.

4. They're inspired by you.

5. It feels good to help them.

6. It feels good to collaborate on things together.

7. It feels safe to talk out difficult stuff and you feel closer after.

8. You feel uplifted after you leave them.

Muuuuuuuuch better, right?!

One thing I like about these lists, and paying attention to vibrational matching in general, is that it's not a Better Than/Worse Than equation.

In other words, there aren't Good people and Bad people. There are simply people I'm a vibrational match with and others I'm not a match with.

It's also true that sometimes my vibration is Pure Crap not so great, and being a perfect match to whoever I'm with is going to feel like Pure Crap not so great.

That's a sign I need to do what I can to get my vibration in a positive, expanded place.

I may need to meditate. Or take a walk. Or spend time in nature. Or all three!

Then, once I'm back in my Feelin' Groovy place, I can better assess my vibrational match with others.

This vibrational match business isn't for wimps!

(Unless, of course, you want to live in the vibration of Wimpiness and attract others of your kind. Then, go for it! Or, in the spirit of Wimpiness, kinda-sorta go for it!)

Tending to my own vibration is a key factor in the Vibrational Match equation.

Once I do that, I can go out into the world, sing the soul tone of my vibrational essence, and see who I harmonize with and who I don't.

Or I can refer to the two lists above.

How do you tell if you're a vibrational match with others? Share your comments below!

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