What Does Rpd Stand for in Obiee


In Previous articles I have explained the architecture of OBIEE,components of OBIEE,Concepts of Business Intelligence. In this article I try to explain you the concept of OBIEE RPD and basic development of OBIEE RPD.RPD is the heart of report development system. All the skeleton of the data modeling is done through server side programming simply with RPD development.

OBIEE Repository also called as OBIEE RPD contains all metadata of BI server which is managed through administration tool.

RPD is used to store the information about the application as well as database server details so that user will connect database through RPD and fetches the records from the database. OBIEE RPD stands for Repository Database and RPD is actually a file extension. Oracle BI administration tool is used to create RPD and all server side development and data modeling is done through RPD. RPD is password protected as it contains the metadata of BI server. RPD is uploaded or deployed through the Oracle Enterprise manager.  User needs to enter the password of OBIEE RPD at the time of deployment through enterprise manager. OBIEE RPD is used to store information about :

1.Data Modeling

2.SQL information

3.Database Connection information




Points To Remember in RPD :

1.Oracle Business Intelligence Administration Tool : To open RPD and to do Server side RPD development.

2.Oracle Enterprise Manager Tool : To deploy RPD

3.RPD is secured with password.

RPD Path :

OBIEE repository can be accessed using following path :

OBIEE 10 g :  BI_ORACLE_HOME/ Server/Repository

OBIEE 11 g : Oracle_Instance/bifoundation/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obisn/

OBIEE 12 C :obiee_home>/user_projects/domains/bi/bidata/service_instances/ssi/metadata/datamodel/    customizations.

RPD Development with Oracle BI Administration Tool :

User can develop the RPD using Oracle BI Administration tool.There are following 3 layers in RPD 1. Physical layer : Where the actual schema design and database design is maintained

2. Business Model Layer (BMM Layer) : Actual conversion of snowflakes schema to star schema in this layer.The Actual logic is developed on BMM layer.

3. Presentatition Layer : Actual report columns are fetched from presentation layer.

To open OBIEE RPD you just need to drag RPD on Oracle BI administration tool Or you can open RPD using :

File -> Open  and select the repository you want to open.


1.Working with Physical layer of RPD Stepwise :

The physical layer of RPD contains the information about the database and database schema. OBIEE physical layer supports multiple data sources in a single repository.Before start working with Physical layer first user needs to import the data sources.

Steps to import data source in Repository :

Step 1 : Create new RPD

Go to following path :

Go to Start → Programs → Oracle Business Intelligence → BI Administration → Administration Tool → File → New Repository.

Step 2 : Set up password to RPD

A new window will open → Enter the name of Repository → Location (It tells the default location of Repository directory) → to import metadata select radio button → Enter Password → Click Next.

Step 3 : Importing actual data

Accept the meta types you want to import → You can select Tables, Keys, Foreign Keys, System tables, Synonyms, Alias, Views, etc. → Click Next.

Once you click Next, you will see Data Source view and Repository view. Expand the Schema name and select tables you want to add to Repository using Import Selected button → Click Next.Once you click Next, you will see Data Source view and Repository view. Expand the Schema name and select tables you want to add to Repository using Import Selected button → Click Next.

Step 4 : Create physical connection

Connection Pool window opens up → Click OK → Importing window → Finish to open the repository

Expand the Data Source → Schema name to see the list of tables Imported in Physical Layer in the new Repository.

Step 5 : Update rowcount to verify the repository

Go to tools → Update all rows counts → Once it is completed you can move the cursor on the table and also for individual columns. To see Data of a table, right-click on Table name → View Data.

In given steps the user can create OBIEE repository.

Step 6 : Create Alias of Table

As we know in one table there are different functionalities. We need to achieve more than one functionality from different physical tables which has joins with other tables.To eliminate extra joins it is advisable to use the alias of table while working with Repository.

Right-click on table name and select New Object → Alias.

Once you create an Alias of a table it shows up under the same Physical Layer in the Repository.

Points to Remember :

There are following 3 points need to consider while creating Physical layer:

1.Creating Connection

1.1. OBDC connection : Any other database other than native connections.

1.2.Native connection : Which will come while installation of OBIEE.                         (e.g.OCA,DB2,SBASE,SAP,Hyperian)

2.Importing Metadata

Importing tables,views,keys as per report requirments.

3.Creating Joins

All Database level keys are defined or try to create own keys in physical layer and join 2 table.

Obiee deals with 2 joins:

1.Foreign key join(Equi join) : Accepts only equal to operator

2.Complex join(Non Equi join): Accepts any other operator except equal to operator.

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What Does Rpd Stand for in Obiee

Source: https://www.complexsql.com/obiee-rpd/

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